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AONest for Businesses

Help staff build emotional intelligence and well-being

Organizations that implement mental health programs see tremendous returns on investment. According to Deloitte’s The ROI in Workplace Mental Health Programs: Good for People, Good for Business (2019), Canadian employers spend approximately $50B CAD each year on costs associated with poor mental health in the workplace and $6B CAD is associated with lost productivity from mental health challenges. The study indicates that there are 500,000 workers who are unable to work each week due to poor mental health.

AONest™ is a comprehensive, self-guided tool to help individuals navigate their mental health concerns and build emotional intelligence and resilience. It provides an easy and affordable way to support mental health at your company. 

Improve performance and productivity  

By offering the AONest mental health management system to your team members, you can see incredible performance and productivity outcomes. People like to work for organizations that care about their mental health, and they appreciate the support from employers.  

Mentally healthy employees take less time off.

Your benefit load will likely decrease.

You may boost attraction to the company.

You may see improvements in employee loyalty and retention.


Promote a culture of acceptance

By using AONest for self-guided emotional intelligence, resilience, and mental health, staff will have a toolkit for improved self-awareness and understanding. They will also have increased capacity to navigate social situations and dynamics. All of this will contribute to a culture of acceptance within your organization. 

Deliver reconciliation-based outcomes in your workplace  

AONest is a social initiative in collaboration with the registered charity, Anishnabeg Outreach (AO). AO is a hub for Indigenous culture and prosperity and offers a range of programs that focus on reconciliation, healing, and traditions. AO also partners with social service agencies that work with equity-deserving groups and First Nations reserves. Because it helps individuals navigate their mental health concerns and increase their well-being, AONest is a great way for you to promote reconciliation-based outcomes within your company. 

Choose the best option for your company

Through our community-focused Get 1, Give 1 model, whenever someone purchases an AONest license, we ensure that someone else who does not have the means to purchase it will get free access to the solution. This means that by making mental health easily accessible to employees, you will also help make it available to others who need it.

There are several different options for your business to choose from. You can: 

1. Purchase AONest licenses for the leadership team at your company so they can enhance their emotional intelligence and build their understanding and skills. 

2. Provide AONest licenses to staff members in specific departments or specific roles that deal with stressful situations, such as customer success and client support positions. 

3. Make a pool of unassigned licenses available to help some staff members through particularly stressful times, e.g., those on temporary leaves, those with performance challenges, or those who have been affected by layoffs. 

4. Provide all staff and their families with unlimited access to AONest. This option could be employer-paid, employee-paid, or co-paid.  

Regardless of which option you choose above, please contact us to book a consultation. We will chat about the best way to introduce AONest into your organization. 

Donate to AO 

By making a corporate donation to Anishnabeg Outreach (AO) and/or naming AO as your organization’s charity of choice, you can make AONest available to people who need free access to the solution. AO uses corporate donations to give free AONest licenses to individuals who would otherwise be unable to benefit from the solution. Visit

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